6. Sampling Procedures for Wastewater Objectives

Following completion of Chapter 6, students should be able to:

  1. Define the goal of each sampling occasion and select appropriate sampling techniques.
  2. Prepare for going into the field and collecting samples at pretreatment sites and in sewers.
  3. Collect, label and preserve samples.
  4. Transport samples to a laboratory for analysis.
  5. Analyze samples in the field using field test kits.
  6. Document the sample collection and transportation procedures.
  7. Install and monitor field sensors to measure constituents in industrial wastestreams.
  8. Trace an illegal discharge back up a sewer to the source.
  9. Use appropriate quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures to minimize sampling errors.

The main purpose of this chapter is to teach inspectors how to collect wastewater samples and properly label, preserve and transport them to a laboratory for analysis.

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