6. Problem-Solving Skills Objectives

Following completion of Chapter 6, students should be able to:

  1. List the eight steps in the problem-solving process.
  2. Use specific techniques to aid in the early recognition of problems.
  3. Prepare a statement that precisely defines a problem they need to solve.
  4. Analyze a problem by using a variety of techniques to gather as much information as possible about the problem and its causes.
  5. Work alone or as part of a team to generate a comprehensive list of possible solutions to a problem.
  6. Consider cost/benefit factors in selecting the best solution to a problem and commit the selected solution to writing.
  7. Construct a Force-Field Analysis as an aid to implementing the solution to a problem.
  8. Monitor incremental effects of a solution and make adjustments (midcourse corrections), as needed.
  9. Use measurable criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of a solution to a problem and to ensure that the problem is permanently resolved.
  10. Understand the different ways employees may react to change so that necessary change can be managed thoughtfully and effectively.
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