14. Capacity Assurance, Management, Operation, and Maintenance (CMOM) Objectives

Following completion of Chapter 14, students should be able to prepare and implement a CMOM program for their collection system utility. The CMOM program should contain elements on how to:

  1. Manage a collection system.
  2. Enforce their legal authority.
  3. Administer their utility's finances.
  4. Recruit and motivate personnel.
  5. Promote training and certification.
  6. Support the safety program.
  7. Maintain warehouse and inventory.
  8. Design collection system facilities.
  9. Construct and inspect facilities.
  10. Perform a sewer system evaluation survey (SSES).
  11. Conduct a system capacity assurance program.
  12. Supervise and evaluate a water quality monitoring program.
  13. Schedule maintenance.
  14. Manage a collection system O&M program.
  15. Supervise a sewer cleaning program.
  16. Control and monitor hydrogen sulfide.
  17. Operate and maintain lift stations.
  18. Inspect and rehabilitate manholes.
  19. Televise collection system sewers.
  20. Reduce infiltration/inflow (I/I).
  21. Conduct smoke testing and dyed water flooding.
  22. Repair and rehabilitate sewers.
  23. Maintain right-of-ways.
  24. Minimize SSOs and CSOs.
  25. Comply with their NPDES permit and applicable rules and regulations.
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